Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Monterey Bay Aquarium

I went to the Aquarium yesterday. These Jellyfish are almost invisible in the water so the aquarium shines black light on them to turn them this orangeish color.

This one is less than an inch wide

The egg-yolk jellyfish.

Sardines circling the ceiling.

Okay, today's trivia question is hopefully a little more challenging than yesterday's. What sea creature do you see in the picture below?


  1. Somthing under the sand? Is it a flounder? I know they're flat and hang out around the bottom. I don't know if they bury themselves though...

  2. The sign just said 'flatfish' but they do look like some kind of small flounder. It's really amazing how they blend in. There are actually more in the picture than just in the obvious places.
